Always be Ready to Give An Answer....

Being bold for Jesus has its ups and downs, scary moments and happy moments alike. Since I shared with my friends and family that I was being baptized, I've faced some questions and curious "whys" about my decision. Not that I mind, but I didn't really anticipate the full extent of questions. 

Since I was baptized as a child, a lot of people are asking me things like "Wasn't the first time good enough?" and "If you already got baptized, why are you doing it again?" 

Yesterday my brother asked me about it. He was pretty blunt. "Tori, if you already got baptized, why are you doing it again? Is it like renewing your vows if you were married already? Are you doing it for attention from your friends? Why are you doing it?" 

I took a deep breath before I answered him and then I said, "Well, it kind of is like renewing your wedding vows. My relationship with God is such that I understand much more now than I did as a child. I want to make it public both how much I love Jesus and that I am surrendering every area of my life over to him, instead of trying to fight for control." 

The verse going through my mind was 1 Peter 3:15. "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 

It really struck me in that moment that people will start to ask me a lot more now. I'm learning how to be intentional about living as a Christ-lover and a Christ-follower, and that will sometimes be uncomfortable and even frightening. 

But starting with immersion, publicly, in the body of believers that I have come to see as my family, I am making the choice to surrender to Jesus. I am making the choice to live publicly and openly as a lover of Christ. I have made Jesus the center of my life, and I am not ashamed of the gospel. 

When people ask, I will openly share my story--not for my glory, because my story is not about me--because Jesus is doing a miracle in my life and I want the world to know how amazing he is. Sure, I'm human. I'm tempted to brag. But really, I have no place to do so. 

I've been saved by grace, through faith, not by my own doing, so I cannot boast. 

Whether I am witnessing to family members, explaining to curious acquaintances, or delving into deep conversations with friends and fellow Jesus-freaks, I am prepared always to give an answer for the hope that I have, but doing so with gentleness and respect. 

Soli Deo Gloria! 

~Tori Nicole~ 


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