Ordinary Heroes: Part 1
Impact and Influence
My church just finished up a series on ordinary heroes. Reflecting on my life, I've identified some ordinary heroes in my life and I'm amazed in so many ways that they had the impact they did. Each of them are invaluable gifts from God and without them I honestly believe I wouldn't be alive today.
These people are so inspiring to me on so many levels, and if I can emulate them in even a small way, in their relationships with Christ and their faith in action, I will have reached my goal in life.
(There are more of them than I can put in one post, so I'm splitting this into two entries.)
"You have sheer radiance inside you. Give it permission to shine! I will believe in you til you believe in you, love; never stop, stop never." She spoke those words over me in a time of extreme darkness. She saw from day 1 that something inside my shell of shyness was worth unveiling, that the mask needed to come down. She held me as I sobbed, as I was whispering that I didn't think God loved me. She looked into my eyes and told me my value--and she showed me the hints of stunning beauty that were hiding beneath my hurting heart and stinging eyes. She has suffered more than she has ever admitted and yet she has grown terribly strong through her trials. She is an incredible reflection of Christ and I sincerely do not want to know what my life would be like without her. I run out of words when I try to describe how much I love her and how much He has gifted her. She is Kati; she is my hero.
"I have to tell you, you're beautiful, and I'm not just saying that, either." She is one of the funniest souls alive, yet one of the realest and most authentic. She is an encouragement, an empathizer, and a loving-you-so-hard-you-have-to-just-let-her-even-if-you-don't-know-why kind of person. She has been there and done that, and she sees things in me, like Kati, that I don't see in myself. She does not intend to give up on me, and she has often reached out to me in the times when I needed it the most. She, like most if not all of my heroes, has walked through the valley of shadows, but she understands what it means to grow from that journey and come out on the other side clinging to Christ. She is a kind and accepting and welcoming human being who literally couldn't stop loving people if she tried. She is Lori; she is my hero.
"You are worth it--don't you dare leave this place until we find help for you." She probably has no clue how much this statement meant to me. She spoke these words to me at a time of deep darkness when I could barely see for the fog that engulfed me. Little does she know, but she saved my life that night. She doesn't know this, but the night before, I had attempted suicide and failed. She doesn't know this, but her compassion came at just the right time, and it has never once failed. She brings out the best in me, is always encouraging me no matter what I do, and treats me as if I were worth being alive. She showed me better than anyone else that my little self was truly worth everything it took--and because she spoke those words, I am still breathing, living, and fighting with a renewed relationship with Christ. She is Mandy; she is my hero.
You are incredible life-changing gifts from God. Being willing to stand with me and love me so hard I had no choice but to respond--it changed me for good. For lasting--forever. I love you. Please God, I can be like you when I "grow up." You are so incredible---don't ever stop.
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