Words for a Friend who Loves
She said to me,
"My hair is so long.
I love to be a woman
Who wears dresses and jewelry.
I go to a Christian school.
I love Jesus.
I am 'normal.'
And yet here I am.
I like another girl.
I'm scared of being abandoned.
What if I lose the ones who care for me?"
To the world:
She is not like they think she is.
No, she is not dirty.
No, she is not twisted or perverted.
No, being abused did not make her the way that she is.
She doesn't “look gay.”
There isn’t a “gay look” anyway.
There are only stereotypes.
She's' not “a masculine woman.”
She's just a woman.
She doesn't seem to be the "type to push an agenda."
There's no agenda.
There is only a need to treat every
As if they were truly
To my precious friend:
Shatter the expectations, love.
Throw your arms open wide to the world.
Don't be ashamed of who you are.
You are so beautiful, darling.
All of you is more than enough.
Don't let lies stick to you like ugly scars.
Wear radiant peace as a beautiful act of defiance in a shattered world.
Always be you, no matter what anyone throws your way.
Oh my sweet girl, how deeply you are adored.
I will always love you.
Never forget that.
You are never alone.
“We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilizations.” Martin Luther King Jr.
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