When Will Our Pain Be Enough For You?
I’ve been sitting at my computer watching the Kavanaugh hearings
unfold and holding back tears, in the middle of panic attacks and debilitating
The strength and courage of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is beyond
what any of us could or should be expected to maintain, especially in the
middle of such excruciating pain and constant questioning. To come forward
after 30 years and relive the horror of the assault that drastically altered
the direction of her life is the definition of bravery. She is my hero.
And yet. I keep seeing and hearing comments that are full of hate,
degradation, and accusation. Comments directed at Dr. Ford.
“She’s clearly making it up.”
“Anyone with a brain can see that a well-trained fool could fake a
polygraph test.”
“Why didn’t she report when it happened? Why wait 30 years?”
“She can’t back up her testimony with memories. It must not have
happened if she can’t remember anything.”
“She’s just being used as a political pawn. Kavanaugh is innocent
and she’s ruining his life.”
“Kavanaugh needs to be cleared because he will overturn Roe v.
Wade. She’s just using herself to prevent it. Idiotic Democrat.”
“No one saw this happen. Her story can’t be corroborated. There’s
no proof.”
“Kavanaugh has to be treated as innocent until proven guilty.”
“She wasn’t even raped. That doesn’t even count.”
As a survivor of sexual assault, these words cut me to my core,
even though they aren’t directed at me. Comments like these, and the treatment
of women like Dr. Ford, are the reasons I didn’t report. The reasons I kept
silent. The reasons I carry that painful story inside of me and can’t let it
go. The reasons my heart is constantly being re-broken all over again.
There are SO many things I could say to address each and every
single one of those misinformed, uneducated, and degrading comments and
mindsets. But even if I were to refute them all, expose them for the lies they
are, my refutation would not be enough. Even my scientifically backed
explanation as to why the brain blocks out memories when it experiences severe
trauma would not be enough. Nor would the cold fury in my voice as I explain
that assault and abuse are not limited to rape.
We are treated like liars. Manipulators. Attention-seekers.
Advantage-takers. As if we are out to singlehandedly ruin a man’s life (or
men’s lives) by telling the truth about what was done to us. As if our pain,
our trauma, our memories, our triggers, our terrors, our screams in the middle
of the night when not a solitary soul could hear us were not enough to make it
all stop. We're damned if we speak, and damned if we stay silent. We cannot
Regardless of whether Dr. Ford is found by the country to be
telling the truth or not, and whether Brett Kavanaugh is cleared or not, the
fact that sexual assault and abuse survivors are treated as voiceless, fragile,
lying, weak, less than human drags on society still remains.
You deny it? Perhaps you haven’t been there. You simply do not
know. You have absolutely no right to assume you can speak for those women who
have risen above that pain out of the cruel necessity that no one listened to
them or offered them help. And by assuming you can draw realistic conclusions,
by putting words in a woman’s mouth or passing judgement on her character, you
continue to perpetuate that problem.
Here’s the thing: Despite the #MeToo movement, the heartbreaking
testimonies of gymnasts like Aly Raisman, the justice of powerful women like
Rosemarie Aquilina, the grit of Andrea Constand, and now the incredible grace
and strength of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, somehow those voices are not enough
for you.
That is completely unacceptable.
Making ourselves visible is not enough. Screaming for justice from
ancient white men with antiquated ideas of how women should and should not
behave is not effective enough. The tears in our pillows at night when we cry
alone because no one is with us are not enough. The flashbacks that cause us to
physically re-live the horrific acts done to us are not enough.
When will our pain be enough for you?
How long must we endure physical, mental, spiritual and emotional
torture before you get off your throne of politically-charged, agenda-driven
bullshit and try to see us as humans who desperately need your help and
How many more women need to be assaulted, raped, abused,
catcalled, demeaned, mishandled, taken advantage of, degraded, and dehumanized
before you decide to be the change and finally listen to a woman’s story for
once in your life?
How many more little girls will cry themselves to sleep at night?
How much longer will they suffer the long-lasting effects of carrying sexual
abuse unreported because they are afraid they will be torn to shreds and
grilled about the details of their assault, ultimately being told their stories
have zero credibility and sent back home to the very abusers who caused their
When will our pain be enough for you?
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