What Happens when You Break a Woman

Brilliant pastels 
Gentle ferocity locked beneath 
A cloud of silencing fog
Fiery fountains of rain 
Hideous strength 
Trapped behind a fence of expectation 
She, pillar of marble, ocean of tears
Flowing over from the brim with 
Brightest colors of every shade of love 
Yet there behind the gate she stands
Color dimmed
Pastels crumbling like chalk 
She comes alive with light
But poison rancid mist has filled her breath
Against her will she stands behind the gate
Within she carries vibrant dreams
Violent pain
Victorious light
But stands as if cemented in that coldness
Her mouth is glued, her eyes are closed 
For if she dares to move she knows she'll fall
The world cannot handle her 
For she is not the delicate, the docile, the decorous
She is fire, flame, ferocity
She is Woman. 
Someday her hand will grasp the key
Her aching fingers will fling wide the gate
Her eyes will open, her lips part 
In a wild screaming cry of victory she will stand
She will move. 
She will rise. 
She will conquer. 
O, Man, beware the Woman you have trapped
She may soon arise to heights beyond your own
For once you put her in a box and walked away
You earned her fiery release of light. 
I will move. 
I will rise. 
I will conquer.
I am Woman. Hear my cry. 


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