Nickie here! hey, Spring is half-way in progress, and as usual, I haven't been on blogger enough. XD.

For your reading pleasure, here is a poem/hymn that I wrote about, oh, a couple days ago....I think....IDK, I lost track! ehehe! :P Hopefully you will enjoy reading it. As always, be NICE, and give me credit for my own work. Thank you guys so much! :D

~Nickie M.~

Lord, send your wisdom and your love
Raining down from heav'n above!
Show your power, lift your hand!
Bring your healing to our land!
Lord Almighty, Christ our King!
Let this voice your praises sing!

Listen to us, incline your ear,
So that you our prayers may hear;
Grant us your joy in heart and soul,
So our lives will be made whole.
Lord, our healer, use our pain
That we might your kingdom gain!

In your bosom will I hide,
To your ear will I confide
When my confidence is lost,
Though the world is gold-embossed.
Father, Shelter, Savior, King,
Let my soul, my anthem ring!


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